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http://www.yoosfamily.com |
Yoo's home in association with Yoo's family (link on the left) would like to invite you to not only stay in our home, but enjoy a wide variety of cultural experience programs to make your stay in Korea truly unique.
You can see below the different courses that we have on offer, we do have others available including tours with our ICI Youth Volunteer guides around the palaces and historical sites of Seoul, so please don't hesitate to drop us a line.
Course | Price | Time | Program |
A | \20,000 | Anytime | - Experience a Traditional Tea Ceremony - Try on Hanbok (traditional Korean costume) |
B | \40,000 | - Experience a Traditional Tea Ceremony - Try on Hanbok (traditional Korean costume) & Manners Lesson - Folk Drawing on a Woodblock Print or Calligraphy | |
C | \50,000 | - Experience a Traditional Tea Ceremony - Try on Hanbok (traditional Korean costume) & Manners Lesson - Folk Drawing on a Woodblock Print - Buchimgae Cooking (Korean Pancake) | |
D | \45,000 | - Kimchi Making Course - Kimchi & Buchimgae (Korean Pancake) | |
D-1 | \60,000 | Learn to Make Korean Home-Style Food - Bulgogi : Korean Beef B.B.Q - Ddeokbokki : Stir-Fried Rice Pasta with Vegetables | |
D-2 | \70,000 | - Make Flower-Shaped Rice Cakes - Learn How to Draw an Orchid on a Traditional Folding Pan |
코스 | 가격 | 시간 | 프로그램 |
A | \20,000 | 원하는시간 (예약요) | 녹차 와 한복 입기 체험 |
B | \40,000 | - 다도 - 한복체험 및 인사예절 배우기 - 민화 인출 | |
C | \50,000 | - 다도 - 전통 민화 인출 - 한복체험 및 인사예절 배우기 - 한국음식 만들기 - * 부침개 만들기 | |
D | \45,000 | - 한국 가정음식 만들기 체험 - 김치만들기 - 김치 부치미 만들기 | |
D-1 | \60,000 | - 한국 가정음식 만들기 체험 - 불고기, 떡볶기 | |
D-2 | \70,000 | 원하는시간 | - 꽃떡 만들기 - 사군자 배우기(부채 위에 난 그리기) |
E | 그룹요금 | 원하는시간 | - 다도 한복입기 민화 탁본 - 전통놀이 붓글씨 음식 만들기 등 - 선택가능 (내외국인 모두 가능) |
套餐 | 价格 | 时间 | 项目 |
A | \20,000 | 自由安排 | - 品尝韩国传统绿茶 - 试穿韩服 |
B | \40,000 | - 欣赏茶道 - 试穿韩服,学习传统礼节 - 体验民俗绘画 | |
C | \50,000 | - 欣赏茶道 - 试穿韩服,学习传统礼节 - 体验民俗绘画 - 制作韩国传统饮食:韩式煎饼 | |
D | \45,000 | - 制作韩国传统家庭饮食: 泡菜与泡菜煎饼 | |
D-1 | \60,000 | - 制作韩国传统家庭饮食: 韩式烤牛肉与炒粘糕 | |
D-2 | \70,000 | 自由安排 | - 制作花式粘糕 - 学习四君子绘画(梅兰菊竹) |
E | 视内容而定 | 自由安排 | - 以韩国人为对象,学习用英语或日语向外国人介绍韩国文化,如茶道,礼节,书法,四君子,粘糕制作等等。 |